The lake front in Petrozavodsk - its just like Brid on a sunny day
I have loads more pics in my camera but as this is killing my hosts bandwidth allowance I will stop here for now. Will annotate the pictures over the next few days

Dash the daughter of my host installing the new curtains (before they fell down 2 days later)

Its a steam engine

The first set of students depart along with locals going to do their national service (hence the flag)
Thanks for steam loco,now try and find some more.Pleased to see some pictures,reminded me of Crime Watch.
Just returned from a nice weekend with Geoff. Made even better that "Lizzie" was going to Bury via Huddersfield. We went to Slaithwaite where she passed by looking splendid,with a certain Mr.Blakemore showing off on the footplate. See what you are missing!!!!!!
looks like a train to me...
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