Wednesday, 2 July 2008

End of the first 4 weeks

Ok so first of all let me apologise once again that their are no pictures, their are some belters in my camera but i spent 2 hours yesterday trying to get them out of my camera and on the computer and it just doesnt work. All I had to do at home was plug it in and away I went but here its no use. The photos you cant see include pictures of classmates, my accomodation, and a steam engine (sadly not in use but left by the side of the track by way of ornament.

Anyway my first 4 weeks were up last Friday which means that most of my classmates who were doinbg a 4 week course have left - to be replaced by dozens of new people from the University of Birmingham.

Apparently at the end of each 4 weeks we have to put on a show of singin dancing etc to the other students so I had to 'perform' as "Ivan the fool", "Unsuitable husband No 3" and sing Katyusha along with some other students. So I have 4 weeks to look forward to my next dose of ritual humiliation.

We had an excellent goodby party (brilliant photos sorry you cant see them, we discovered that Smokie are a really big band in Russia and my teacher looked at me aghast when I tried to jog her memory of the Smiths with a few song titles. Apparently calling your song "girlfriend in a Coma" is unlikely to translate well. TTFN

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