The only photo I could be bothered taking in St Petersburg - it looked better in real life

Alternative view of Petrozavodsk best known sculpture on the lakefront
Art gallery

The opera house which is about half way through a 3 year renovation, it looks seriously impressive closer up
Lots of the city blocks have areas of greenery around the back and quite often wooden houses, I photographed this one purely because of the striking colour of the house.
local beauty spot called the devils armchair

look closely - its a double decker car

map on the wall of my classroom, I spent 3 months looking at this map when I was struggling to remember something.

Insect bites - I had these all over
Logs in the river in Kondopoga - along the lakefront are hundreds of garages all of them at least hal a mile away from any flats of houses!

Me and Larisa - Larissa isnt as stern as she looks, but I wouldnt dare go to class without doing my homework
Eastern europes larges paper mill

The above 4 are all pictures of Kivach waterfalls a locl beauty spot, it is a russian tradition on wedding days for the party to visit a war memorial, several beauty spots and the statue of a dead commie. The result is that on a summer Saturday you happen across newlyweds everywhere you go.

2 more of the paper mill

another wedding

Lake and fountain in one of the cities many parks
cruise ship docked in Petrozavodsk
Outside the Karelian resteraunt - where the village theme commences
Korean students giving a talk
My honey pie
I think this bloke was the vice-chancellor of the uni

2 pictures of the war memorial with eternal flame. In the top picture its the view beyong the memorial with the tractor factory in the distance - really I am not making this up, zoom in on the picture and look closely and you will see the tractor monument thingy outside.
One of the cities formal squares
Kazan, the host families dog

The bus station in Sortavala - the sign on the left of the marlboro sign says that it is the cash desk of Sortavala bus station, I was rther pleased that I was able to find it to get the bus home.
releasing balloons at one of the bars I went too, apparently it was the bars birthday.

The above two are countryside near Sortavala
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