Last chance to post before I set off - I only got my hands on the visa at 1.30 this afternoon. I am feeling a little nervous now but have everything packed and ready. The Uni sent me details on Wednesday of the family I am staying wit, a 50 years old (Mrs) Ivanova which pretty much equates to being told I am staying with a Mrs Smith, got a further email yesterday to tell me its now a different Mrs Ivanova who has a 30 year old daughter. Dont know why but I have this feeling I would have felt more comfortable with the old lady. Please keep any comments clean if you want me to post them.
Thanks for the pressie to everyone at work and sorry I had to dash off earlier today.
Until then I am going to post one of my own photo's just to check I can. It is my front garden and will give me something to look at if I get homesick.
Dave best of luck hope your journey goes OK & you dont end up in Siberia ? but what do you mean old Mrs Ivanova 52 isn't old !!
told you i didn`t believe the wife bit!
Dave all the best hope you don't end up in Siberia. But what do you mean " felt more comfortable with old lady!!" 50 isn't old take it from me. Will be checking your blog regularly so you had better update it as I have had to enter unchartered terratories on my computer to send you this. Wyn
30 year old daither, eh!! Nice one...and you said you wouldn't come back with a Russian bride..!
Keep us posted..
Goddamit, I keep leaving comments for you and never know whether it's because you have n't got them or not!
Hope your journey went well. Look forward to hearing about the weather (very british)! Regards
This must be the 4th time I've tried to comment. No idea whether you've got the previous Dave how is the weather???
Hope you had a good journey and are enjoying your travels(travails?)
News from Widnes. Found family jewels - could be millionaires!!
Hope the trip wasn't too exhausting and the weather is OK.
Your mum's sat next to me as Im writing - celebrating tonight with a vodka or 2.
Hope you get to a computer to update soon.
Dave & Jen
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